Employee Spotlight: Taylor Sims

1. Where do you call home?  

I'm originally from Frederick, Maryland, but I made the move to Virginia to pursue my studies at George Mason University. This change also allowed me to transfer to a different location within the Applied ABC company. 

2. How many years have you worked in the ABA field?  

I started ABA a little over a year ago with Applied ABC. Within my first few months, I received the training and guidance needed to obtain my RBT certification. While this field has presented its fair share of challenges, I have gained a lot of valuable experience. 

3. How did you end up working for Applied ABC?  

I came across Applied ABC while searching for a career opportunity that matched my major. My decision to join the company was largely influenced by the chance it provided for me to relocate to another state while staying within the same organization. 

4. What’s the most fulfilling part of your work?  

 I find fulfillment in seeing my clients' skill development and success. 

5. How do you unwind after a long day?  

After a long day, I relax by spending time outdoors and painting as a therapeutic outlet. 

6. What are some interesting facts about you?  

I'm in my senior year of undergraduate studies at George Mason University! It's quite an exciting experience. Also, I have an adorable pet turtle named Onion! 

Applied ABC